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These options can be saved for future settings as an INI file.

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Options for the SSH/Telnet client include terminal setup (selection of terminal emulation, terminal size, answerback, etc.), SSH authentication options including cipher control, general TCP/IP settings and more. A number of plugins can also be used when installing Term Term. The setup of this client include a number of options that may be configured like installation of TTSSH, CygTerm, LogMeTT, TTLEdit, TTProxy, etc. Simply setup a host by inputting a remote address, port number and optional commands to perform when connecting to a host.

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Tera Term features a clean user interface which allows its users to complete tasks in an orderly fashion. It includes a built-in macro scripting language which can be used to automate certain tasks. The application features support for a number of terminal types from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382. Tera Term (or TeraTerm) is a free and open source terminal emulation application which can function as a telnet or SSH client. Free and open source terminal emulation with support for SSH, Telnet, Cygwin and SSH SCP file transfers and key generation.

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